Finally Carry the Latest Bathroom Vanities Glass Vessel Sink Set with Faucet / Hc08
With this day and age while there are lots of of these types of Bathroom Vanities Glass Vessel Sink Set with Faucet / Hc08 available, there's nothing better than having the ability to own something that is manufactured from a brand name which you know and trust. While you check around you're likely to come by many of these products which create claims that they simply can't maintain. While it is discouraging, it is nothing out of the ordinary because imitation is always the most sincere form of flattery.
Though HCOMPOUND most likely are not the initial producer of the Bathroom Vanities Glass Vessel Sink Set with Faucet / Hc08 what we have done is used a good idea and made it into a brilliant product that gives numerous years of exceptional services. The primary model captivated numerous shoppers since it was developed with the top standards of top quality. We've carried on this practice to give you our very latest model of a tried as well as trusted item.
The one thing we're clear on is you will likely notice that at this selling price, you are not about to get a better Bathroom Vanities Glass Vessel Sink Set with Faucet / Hc08 anyplace. To make certain that you are actually getting true value for your money HCOMPOUND has provided quite a few very nice features which are likely to make this one of many products you have had the opportunity to find in several years. We're certain that you are going to feel as though you're getting true worth for your money when you realize all of the extra touches We've included in our latest design to make your life far better.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $348.00
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# Update your bathroom decor with this complete vanity set# Set includes vanity, faucet and plumbing# Artistically inspired Italian and Swiss designed contemporary vanity# Freshen up any bathroom decor with this contemporary pedestal vanity# Bathroom furniture is made of tempered glass, stainless steel and solid brass hardware# Bath vanity features a compact design that's great for small spaces# Base is made of stainless steel# Set comes complete and ready to assemble# Vessel sink measures 16.5 inches in diameter# Includes solid brass hardware# Includes beautifully crafted solid brass faucet# Steel braided water supply lines# No additional parts or fittings needed Tempered Glass Sink (frost)Faucet made of Solid Brass Construction w/ Chrome FinishSteel braided Water Supply LinesPop-up Drain and P-Trap w/ Chrome FinishBasically everything picturedIncludes 1 Year Limited Warranty**Vanity Dimensionsglass countertop dimension: 24" wide 20" deepPedestal stand dimension: 28 3/4"Height Approx 36-1/2" from the ground to the top of the sinkHeight Approx 28-3/4" from the ground to the top of the countertopDepth 20"Glass sink dimension: Diameter of Glass Sink is 16-1/2"
- glass countertop (frost color)
- Bathroom furniture is made of tempered glass, stainless steel and solid brass hardware
- Vessel sink measures 16.5 inches in diameter
- Includes beautifully crafted solid brass faucet
- pop up drain included
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